Free Mahmoud Khalil protect protest

SIGN NOW Release Mahmoud Khalil.

Last April we told you about student protests against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, one of the leaders of the Columbia University protest was Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian American permanent resident and Columbia University graduate student. We told you at the time that fossil fueled fascists were calling for violent mobs and military crackdowns on …

A meme shows a chevron sign superimposed over a pop art sunset with offshore oil rigs, fighter jets and tanks

Chevron continues to fuel Genocide for Profit

On this Friday, January 31, Chevron will announces its latest quarterly profits. Profits which are fueled by Isreal’s war machine, US Taxpayers, and genocide and conflict the world over. The International Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS) Movement has called for a weekend of action to protest Chevron because its profits come at the cost of …

Ceasefire now Stop fueling genocide #BoycottChevron

Rise up to #BoycottChevron with the Summer of Heat

July 15 update — Join us Wednesday July 17 from 1130am for a rally to get everyone to boycott Chevron, including Citibank! Chevron fuels the genocide of Palestinians through their ownership of two major gas fields off the coast of occupied Palestine. Citibank funds Chevron – more than $2.5 billion just since the Paris climate …

How Chevron is cashing in on genocide in Gaza

Chevron fuels genocide

Like a lot of you, I’ve been horrified by the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and we’ve spoken out repeatedly and forcefully for a ceasefire, and in support of public protest and comment against the war. But there’s a more direct connection between fossil fuels and the ongoing war: Chevron. The Chevron Corporation fuels Israel’s war …

The Brave little girl statue on Wall Street stares down an image of the charging bull and a planet on fire symbolizing the wall street banks investment in climate chaos

Wall street banks are invested in climate chaos. Sign now to tell them to stop funding fossil fuels.

Even as climate-fueled disasters continue to ravage our communities, Wall Street banks continue to lend our money —billions upon billions of dollars of it — to fossil fuel projects every year. Last year was the hottest year ever recorded. Every month this year has set a new global heat record. And just days ago scientists …

protect protest - no national guard, no teargas, no violence

SIGN NOW: Protect protest. Protect students. No military crackdown.

Hundreds of students have been arrested at dozens of universities for participating in protests against the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Protests and crackdowns are both escalating, and fossil fueled fascists in Congress are calling for violent mobs and military crackdowns on peaceful protests. As an anti-fascists climate group, we know that police don’t make us …

Trump wants war and warming

Trump wants more war, weapons, and fossil fuels. There’s a better way.

A few days ago the defeated former President, and current leader of the fossil fueled fascist party in the US — Donald Trump — claimed that he would encourage Russia to attack U.S. allies in Europe unless they increase spending on war and weapons. It’s not a new thing for Trump to attack the North …

Tell President Biden to veto the Fossil Fuel Fascist NDAA

Tell President Biden to veto the fossil fascist NDAA

Dec 15, 2023 update – Just a quick note to those of you who signed our petition for a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that was not directly tied to petro-fascism – we won! Sort of. I’ll explain: Last night the House finally passed an annual defense authorization bill – which the President is expected …