Tell Congress to act on climate before Trump takes office

What will Congress do before Trump takes over?

Since the election, we’ve been telling you how President Biden needs to take immediate action to Trump-proof climate action. But what about Congress? We need the election results to radicalize our friends in Congress. We need them fighting every fight, delaying anything that could help Trump, and going after the fossil fuel industry — so …

A 24 hour haunting of FERC

FERC is scary. Taking action isn’t.

This fall has been a roller coaster ride of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) news: First, courts struck down several projects FERC had approved, and which we had protested, and ordered them not just to reconsider, but to re-do the whole permitting process on them; Then, we took those demands to the September FERC meeting …

A crowd at FERC rallies under a Fall of FERC banner

The fall of FERC has come, the fall of FERC will come again

What a blast! We had an amazing action at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) this morning. You can read the whole story in our press release, which includes a link to loads more photos and videos, or watch a whole LONG livestream from outside with lots of speakers and blockades and more. But for …

A Fall of FERC meme shows a burning earth with a FERC logo on it above the Roman colosseum

The Fall of FERC is fast approaching.

Last Spring, we fought to UnFrack FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and the Fall of FERC in September is our chance to end this imperial outpost of fossil fuels. With grassroots movements escalating against fossil fuels and federal Courts finally validating our arguments and issuing real consequences for FERC’s failures – is this the …

A photo of a large oil tanker to illustrate GulfLinks and the fossil fuel exports it would produce

Stop GulfLink to block Climate Killing Fossil Fuel Exports

Meet the GulfLink export terminal, the latest fossil fuel export terminal killing the planet and making a mockery of US goals on climate action. GulfLink would pump an additional 1 million barrels of crude oil per day to international buyers, creating an incredible 3.8 billion metric tons of climate-changing pollution. It’s also located (of course) …

Tell the Senate to vote no on these nominees to UnFrack FERC

We’ve seen enough. Tell the Senate to vote NO to UnFrack FERC

June 10 update: Well that happened fast. last week the the Senate Energy Committee voted to confirm the whole slate of new FERC nominees. Only Senator Sanders (I-VT and always our friend) voted like we asked and opposed both Rosner and See. Senator Hirono (D-HI) voted against See, the Republican. And a couple of Republicans …

Biden permitted SPOT but there's still time to fix it

A big dirty SPOT on Biden’s climate record

A few weeks ago, the Biden administration has approved the construction of the Sea Port Oil Terminal, or SPOT, over our very loud objections. SPOT is poised to be the biggest offshore oil terminal in the U.S, which will increase cancer-causing air pollutants in Texas’ Brazoria and Harris counties and make climate change worse. The …