CERA week 2025 flyer

March 9-14 Rise for Future Generations at CERA Week in Houston, TX

In two weeks, most Oiligarchs in the world will gather once again in Houston for a massive industry conference called CERA Week. This annual event brings together the CEOs of the biggest fossil fuel companies with the most powerful politicians in the world – including multiple energy ministers, prime ministers, and several members of Trump’s …

Trump is a Fossil Fueled Fascist

An Anti Fossil Fuel Fascist guide to election night 2024

We don’t know what’s going to happen with the election this year. Nobody does, not for sure. But we do know that Trump and his MAGA minions are fully self-proclaimed fossil fueled fascists. And we do know, based on past experience, what to expect from Trump and his team on election night and in the …

People's Earth Week Arts Action April 15-25

Earth Day is HERE!

Earth Day Update – Have you seen all our climate art and Earth Day activities yet?! More than 1,300 people were mailed some 60,000 climate posters for the Peoples’ Earth Week. We’ve already seen the art out in the streets and in use at events in Colorado, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, …

fight for our future

Join us April 23 to Fight For Our Future

Like we’ve always said, we have to either fight for our future and rise together, or we’ll drown, burn, and/or die alone. This weekend, we’re making a stand for our climate and common home. We need a massive investment in American-made clean energy and climate action. And the window of opportunity is closing. That’s why, …

Deadline for Democracy

Deadline for Democracy – join us in the streets Dec 7!

It’s a deadline for Democracy: We’re running out of time for Congress and the President to take the action we need on climate change this year (2021). President Biden’s Build Back better act is stalled in the Senate, and the legislative log jam is preventing action on a host of important priorities – voting rights, …

Shut down the attack on Democracy

Join ShutDownDC tonight for an election protection party!

Hey metro-DC area friends. Are you worried about the election results? I don’t blame you, if so. While we’ve been preserving the pillars of our democracy and fighting for the future that we need and deserve; Trump and his enablers have been attacking the democratic process with voter suppression, intimidation and other schemes to undermine …

pledge to take action if trump wont concede

What comes next

I’ve been pretty quiet here the last few weeks, but with less than a week until election day I wanted to post a preview and some updates about what comes next. Specifically what to watch for, and how to prepare in the event that Trump tries to dispute the election results or stage a coup …

strike divest vote

Earth Day Live 2020

This week, millions will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. It should have been a day of rallies and protests, concerts and action in the streets. But, as we’ve explained, this year, however, is anything but normal. Instead of mass protests, from April 22 to 24 we’re joining a massive online action for Earth …