Tell President Biden to veto the Fossil Fuel Fascist NDAA

Tell President Biden to veto the fossil fascist NDAA

Dec 15, 2023 update – Just a quick note to those of you who signed our petition for a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that was not directly tied to petro-fascism – we won! Sort of. I’ll explain: Last night the House finally passed an annual defense authorization bill – which the President is expected …

FERC vs the World over LNG

Not too late and none too early to stop CP2 and LNG too

December 19 update for FERC meeting – Good morning activists! Today is the day of FERC’s last Commissioners’ meeting of 2023 and we’ve got some extra actions you can take to help us deliver the message to stop CP2 and LNG too! First of all, just because FERC isn’t voting on the CP2 export terminal …

Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline DAPL

DAPL is still operating illegally. Help shut it down for good Thursday.

For years, we’ve fought to stop and shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). If you joined us recently, DAPL is a risky oil pipeline that threatens drinking water and was built without adequate environmental analysis or Tribal consultation. Trump tried to rush the pipeline into operation when he was President. But, he was sloppy …

Tell Biden and DOE no new LNG exports!

Stop CP2 and all new LNG too!

Nov 29 update – We’re delivering comments and petitions to the US Department of Energy tomorrow. Meanwhile, yet another new report has come out showing that the Biden administration is canceling out its own climate progress by approving dozens of new oil and gas projects, especially LNG exports. This latest report from the Center for …

FERC vs the World over LNG

Tell FERC to stop approving new fracked gas infrastructure

Last month, the Federal Energy Regulator Commission (FERC) approved the GTN Xpress fracked gas pipeline expansion over the clear opposition of practically every elected official from Washington and Oregon, where the pipeline is slated to be built. That has kicked off a massive wave of opposition in Congress, which could be really good for long …

Block APEC join us in the streets

Block APEC to tell Biden & world leaders: Don’t trade away our future!

Nov 17 report back –.This week thousands of people took nonviolent direct action in San Francisco to block the at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Earlier in the week, thousands of allies gathered together in downtown San Francisco to march on the Moscone Center and deliver our demands. And a big action on …

Pope Francis Joe Biden fire earth meme

Pope Francis is right, it’s time to stop burning fossil fuels.

Pope Francis has written another good and timely encyclical calling the catholic faithful and all people of good moral conscience to action on climate change. Since it’s a Sunday we thought we’d share it – you can read it here and I endorse this summary of it by David Wallace Wells. And while it’s always …

Tell President Biden to declare a climate emergency

Leading in the wrong direction: Tell President President Biden to declare climate an emergency & stop all new fossil fuels

This week, President Biden’s Department of Energy announced that US exports of crude oil set a new record high — averaging 3.99 million barrels per day (b/d). It’s the most oil we’ve exported, ever, since the crude oil export ban was lifted in 2015. Coincidentally (or not), ExxonMobil announced it is acquiring a major rival …

Pray for peace and audit the pentagon

Stupid money: Tell the Senate to Audit the Pentagon

PS in advance – As many of you hav heard Senator Dianne Feinstein died on Friday at her home in Washington DC, she was 90. Feinstein was not always an ally of the modern climate movement, but she was an icon. And while her extremely long tenure (she was the oldest serving senator, and the …