Together we will #StopLine3

Sign now to stop Line 3

In his first week on the job, President Biden Canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, and paused (not stopped) oil and gas leases on public lands and waters of the US. But there’s another big, dangerous, climate-killing tar-sands pipeline under construction right now that needs to be stopped: Line 3. Line 3 is a disastrous, unnecessary, …

Doom 2 the Pipeline banner

Tell FERC: No more variances, time’s up on the MVP!

The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is back at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) asking, once again, to be allowed to bend the rules to the breaking point so they can keep building a fracked gas pipeline nobody wants or needs during the pandemic. The MVP is a 303 mile long fracked gas pipeline from …

Stop Line 3, Join the digital Rally

Join the digital rally to Stop Line 3

Last week we told you that fossil fuel and pipeline giant Enbridge is already working to construct Line 3 — another toxic tar sands pipeline across Indigenous lands and the fresh water lakes of northern Minnesota. The pipeline is being challenged fiercely by Indigenous nations and  leaders, grassroots organizations, youth, and environmental groups. But Trump …

Protect our water, no LIne 3

Call now to stop the Line 3 pipeline

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Walz and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency just pushed through the final permit for Line 3 pipeline. This means construction could start TODAY, unless the MN Department of Commerce (DOC) supports an emergency stay on construction. Local tribes and water protectors, including the Red Lake and White Earth Nations have already filed …

tell KKR: no dirty pipeline

Join the #ShutDownKKR communications blockade!

For five years, TC Energy (formally Trans Canada), the same company behind the KeystoneXL pipeline, has been trying to build the Coastal GasLink pipeline on sovereign Wet’suwet’en land. We’ve told you before about how they are doing this despite opposition from the hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en, whose rights and title require their consent, not …

Join the Wet'suwet'en day of action!

ShutDownKKR communications blockade

Once you’ve sent your letter, use the tools on this page to support our #ShutDownKKR communications blockade and stand with indigenous leaders to stop the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline! Can’t call or tweet today? Chip in $1.98 to keep us fighting. Need more info? See the previous post. ShutDownKKR Call Script Call KKR by dialing 1- …

No more business as usual. Tell the Senate to stop FERC now

We live a in climate changed world. From the wildfires out west to the hurricanes in the east — one making landfall this week while four more are active offshore. So why is Congress rushing to approve more Trump nominees to key energy agencies like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)? What, exactly, would it …

Tell FERC: Times up on the MVP

Tell FERC: Time’s up for the Mountain Valley Pipeline

The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is years behind schedule, drowning in debt, and has no clear path to getting the permits it needs, let alone being built. But that didn’t stop them from going back to FERC and asking for more time. The MVP is a 303 mile long fracked gas pipeline that Equitrans plans to …

No BK Pipeline!

Stop the North Brooklyn Fracked Gas Pipeline & LNG depot

Right now, corporate utility National Grid is expanding a massive fracked gas transmission pipeline in North Brooklyn. This project is not a replacement of leaking pipelines, it is an expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure, in the middle of a pandemic, and at the cost of our climate, communities and And worse, we have to pay …

Dirty Dishonest Dominion Energy CEO Tom Farrell

Don’t let Dominion exec’s off the hook for the ACP

Like all of you, we cheered big hearty cheers when the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) was finally abandoned by Duke and Dominion. We’d been fighting that racist, climate-killing, ratepayer-busting pipeline for years. And for all the time we were fighting the pipeline, the people who stood to profit were the corporate executives at Duke and …