Tell banks to stop funding climate chaos

Become a customer for climate justice and bank on action, not on climate change

Since the Paris Agreement was signed, Wall Street banks have loaned nearly $1.2 trillion to the fossil fuel industry. That money isn’t coming from the government, or from rich investors — it’s coming from regular customers with bank accounts and credit cards just like you and me. Now, customers like you and me are fighting …

Climate emergency banner

Tell FERC to stop work on the MVP, Now

We’ve been telling you for years about the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), a 300+ mile long fracked-gas pipeline from fracking fields in West Virginia near Pennsylvania, through Virginia, and all the way into North Carolina. The project is still years behind schedule, drowning in debt, and which locals have fought on land, in the courts, …

Methane Gas flare

Sign now to tell the EPA to crack down on methane pollution

The EPA has a chance to crack down on methane pollution and reverse the Biden Administration’s terrible track record (so far) on fossil fuels Biden’s failures are numerous: They permitted 34% more oil and gas drilling in their first year than Trump; the Department of Energy is investing billions of dollars in false solutions like …

Tell the USACE No More Sacrifice Zones!

Tell the Army Corps of Engineers to Defend the Gulf!

For far too long the Gulf of Mexico has been a sacrifice zone to fossil fuels. Communities on the Gulf coast face some of the highest rates of pollution, poverty, and extraction – and are also hit year after year by climate fueled super storms. The Gulf was the first place that President Biden sold …

Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline

Tell the Army Corps to shut the MVP down for good!

The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is four years behind schedule, $3 billion over budget and has already racked up $2.7 million in fines. The project should have been stopped or canceled dozens of times, but instead they are applying for another permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. If approved, it will allow the MVP …

Gov newsom: Shut down Aliso Canyon Now!

It’s past time to shut down Aliso Canyon for good!

It’s been six years since the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility blowout – the worst in US history that forced thousands to evacuate and was a climate and health disaster. And this week, November 18th, will mark the two years since Governor Newsom directed the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to shut down the facility …

Joe Biden at a Build Back Better Rally

Write your local paper: Biden must Build Back Fossil Free

Biden made a clear and simple promise on the campaign trail to “Build Back Better.” But Biden can’t do that unless he Builds Back Fossil Free. For months we’ve been campaigning to get Biden to live up to his promises on the campaign trail with these actions:  Protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, People …

Indigenous leaders and allies with raised fists at the White House protest

No time to stop taking action: Tell Biden to declare a climate emergency!

From October 11-15, thousands marched to the White House to demand that President Biden stop all new fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency. More than 650 of us participated in civil disobedience and were arrested, and the Biden-Harris White House was forced to respond. Biden is due to leave for the international climate …

Indigenous leaders and allies with raised fists at the White House protest

Thanks for signing the petition! Take the next step:

Thanks for signing the petition! Now, will you take the next step and call President Biden and tell him to stop all new fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency? If you can’t call right now, consider chipping in $1.98 or whatever you can to support this campaign. President Biden has the authority through …

Wed PvFF action

Day 3 People vs Fossil Fuels Why I got arrested today

Today we returned to the White House for the third day of the People vs. Fossil Fuels mobilization and, for the first time this week, I was arrested (briefly) under a giant banner that read “Biden: Our Communities Can’t Wait.” Today’s action, like all our actions this week, were led by indigenous leaders (mostly from …