Big Oil Billionaires caused climate change, don't let them get away with it Make Polluters pay for climate chaos.

SIGN NOW to stop Big Oil’s get out of jail free card

We told you a week or so ago how fossil fueled fascists are looking for a way out of paying for the climate chaos they created by asking convicted felon Donald Trump and his MAGA minions in Congress to give them blanket immunity from climate crimes. In case you missed it, here’s the recording of …

Big Oil Billionaires caused climate change, don't let them get away with it Make Polluters pay for climate chaos.

Join the call to Make Polluters Pay

Big Oil CEOs are raking in billions while we pay to rebuild after every climate disaster. The companies driving the climate crisis like Exxon, Shell, and Chevron should pay to clean up climate damages and pollution, and states and cities are beginning to hold them accountable. But fossil fueled fascists are looking for a way out of paying for the climate …

CERA week 2025 flyer

March 9-14 Rise for Future Generations at CERA Week in Houston, TX

March 4 Update – If you’ve been thinking about joining us for CERA week, or you want to learn more about the plan so you can support from afar, join in us for a CERA Week briefing call tomorrow: Wednesday March 5th, 2025 at 7pm CT / 8pm ET / 5pm PT. The conversation will …

Make Polluters pay for the LA wildfires

Fossil fuels caused the LA wildfires. Make them pay.

The Los Angeles wildfires have already caused more than $50 billion in damages, claimed more than a dozen lives, and are likely to be one of, if not THE, most expensive climate fueled disasters in history. As I write this the winds are picking up again, and local officials fear it could spark new fires …

LNG export update - Biden's Big decisions

Biden’s Big Decision on LNG is here at last

At long last, President Biden’s Department of Energy report on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports is out, available for public review, and comment. There’s more below on what I think is good, bad, and wanting in this report; But the short version for busy NVDA climate activists is this: The report is pretty good, and …

Tell Congress to act on climate before Trump takes office

What will Congress do before Trump takes over?

Since the election, we’ve been telling you how President Biden needs to take immediate action to Trump-proof climate action. But what about Congress? We need the election results to radicalize our friends in Congress. We need them fighting every fight, delaying anything that could help Trump, and going after the fossil fuel industry — so …

Trump is a Fossil Fueled Fascist

An Anti Fossil Fuel Fascist guide to election night 2024

We don’t know what’s going to happen with the election this year. Nobody does, not for sure. But we do know that Trump and his MAGA minions are fully self-proclaimed fossil fueled fascists. And we do know, based on past experience, what to expect from Trump and his team on election night and in the …

A 24 hour haunting of FERC

FERC is scary. Taking action isn’t.

This fall has been a roller coaster ride of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) news: First, courts struck down several projects FERC had approved, and which we had protested, and ordered them not just to reconsider, but to re-do the whole permitting process on them; Then, we took those demands to the September FERC meeting …

The New York Times Building

Climate Denial is the news of the day

Are you freaking kidding me?! The New York Times, the newspaper of record, is hosting a fancy event for Climate Week in New York City this year. Invited guests include the people you’d expect like White House senior climate advisor Ali Zaidi, and EPA Secretary Michael Regan. But they’ve also invited Project 2025 author, Heritage …