The United Nations Says we're moving too slow on climate

4 charts and a mission

UPDATE: Since I wrote this earlier, I’ve come across two good discussions on the role of “Hope” in the face of these charts and the overwhelming science of climate change. This interview with scientists and experts contrasts these same 4 charts with what gives them hope. This really good thread and podcast discussion by The Hot Take co-founder Mary Annaïse Heglar makes the …

People over Pipelines

North Carolina Climate Resistance Actions this week

Wanted to let you know about a series of upcoming actions in North Carolina to fight back against climate change. There are forums in Charlotte, and other cities this week, and a big march this Saturday, Nov 16, in Robeson County. Check out the details below, or click here to see all the events listed …

Stop Danly, Trumps latest FERC nominee

Trump’s newest FERC nominee is just as corrupt as you think.

We’ve written before about how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rubber stamps new pipelines and fossil fuel infrastructure, locking us into decades fo climate chaos. And in particular how Trump’s FERC has acted again and again to prioritize fossil fuel profits over the health, safety and civil rights of American citizens. So, in context, …

Burning the ‘bridge fuel’ myth in Raleigh

On Tuesday, October 15th, the fossil gas myth busting roadshow is coming to Raleigh and you’re invited! Join friends from Friends of the Earth U.S., NC Warn, Oil Change International, and 350 Triangle; as well as community leaders, local organizations, and students to discuss why the expansion of gas infrastructure is an environmental justice and …

FIREFIGHTER stencil Cesar Maxit

Global Climate Strike report: #StrikeWithUs & shut it down

Before the global climate strike week of action, I told you that 198 methods was built for this. Every petition you signed online, every Trump official we forced to resign, every action we took at FERC, at a bank, at a Governor’s office in NY or NC, it’s been in preparation for this kind of …

Show up to tell Gov Cooper

Show up to Demand Cooper walk the talk

You remember North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper as the Democrat who promised climate action, but instead approved the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and colluded with Duke energy to mess with our communities and climate. Cooper is a leading example of the climate hypocrisy in the Democratic party. Cooper’s latest swindle is his so-called Clean Energy Plan, …

FERC NO Banner

Activists Call on Retiring FERC Commissioner to Heed her Better Angels

Washington, DC – For the past 30 years FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, has voted in favor of 398 out of 400 applications for mostly fracked gas interstate pipelines and related projects. Fracked gas is at least 95% methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that is 100 times worse for the climate than carbon dioxide …

You can't be neutral on a burning planet

Last Chance for FERC’s Cheryl LaFleur

We’ve told you a lot about FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. And there’s a good reason: for the past 22 years the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has voted in favor of 522 applications for fracked gas pipelines and infrastructure. It has rejected only two. Fracked gas is at least 90% methane, a powerful greenhouse …