Big Oil Billionaires caused climate change, don't let them get away with it Make Polluters pay for climate chaos.

SIGN NOW to stop Big Oil’s get out of jail free card

We told you a week or so ago how fossil fueled fascists are looking for a way out of paying for the climate chaos they created by asking convicted felon Donald Trump and his MAGA minions in Congress to give them blanket immunity from climate crimes. In case you missed it, here’s the recording of …

Big Oil Billionaires caused climate change, don't let them get away with it Make Polluters pay for climate chaos.

Join the call to Make Polluters Pay

Big Oil CEOs are raking in billions while we pay to rebuild after every climate disaster. The companies driving the climate crisis like Exxon, Shell, and Chevron should pay to clean up climate damages and pollution, and states and cities are beginning to hold them accountable. But fossil fueled fascists are looking for a way out of paying for the climate …

Make Polluters pay for the LA wildfires

Fossil fuels caused the LA wildfires. Make them pay.

The Los Angeles wildfires have already caused more than $50 billion in damages, claimed more than a dozen lives, and are likely to be one of, if not THE, most expensive climate fueled disasters in history. As I write this the winds are picking up again, and local officials fear it could spark new fires …