Help wanted New fortress need not apply

Tell President Biden and team: new fossil fuels need not apply

Fossil fuel billionaire Wes Edens and his company New Fortress want to radically expand US shipments of liquefied fracked natural gas (LNG). All they need is an expedited permit from the Biden Administration so they can get rich while cooking the climate, polluting an already-overburdened environmental justice community in Louisiana, and dooming our climate. This …

fight for our future

Join us April 23 to Fight For Our Future

Like we’ve always said, we have to either fight for our future and rise together, or we’ll drown, burn, and/or die alone. This weekend, we’re making a stand for our climate and common home. We need a massive investment in American-made clean energy and climate action. And the window of opportunity is closing. That’s why, …

Big Oil should pay windfall profits tax

Big oil is ripping you off – time for a windfall profits tax

Fossil fuel companies are using the war in Ukraine as a pretext to raise gas prices, gouge customers, and doom the climate. Only a windfall profits tax can rein in their greed, and redirect their ill gotten billions to clean energy and climate action. Let’s start with the facts: At a Congressional hearing last week, …

Fight fossil fascists with solar energy

Sign now: Use the Defense Production Act to build a clean energy arsenal of freedom

For years we’ve spoken out against fossil fueled fascists, both here in the US and abroad. This week, President Biden took a big step towards fighting fossil fascism by banning all US imports of Russian fossil fuels. We were one of more than 200 groups here in the US that called on Biden to take …

Stop Willow Call to action

Join the fight to protect the Arctic! 

Just before he left office, the defeated former President Trump issued a rushed permit for a massive new oil and gas drilling project in the Arctic. The so called “willow” drilling project would be a disaster for local communities already over-burdened with pollution and extraction, and for our collective climate. Willow project alone would produce …

POTUS on Notice State of the Union rally

State of the Union tomorrow, POTUS is on notice!

Thanks to everyone that attended our State of the Union pre-rally “POTUS on Notice” last Thursday with the Build Back Fossil Free coalition. We had an incredible turnout from all over the United States and turtle island, and heard powerful testimonials and calls to action from youth organizers on the frontline. Good news | bad …

POTUS on Notice, join the digital rally

Put POTUS Joe Biden on notice before the State of the Union

President Biden campaigned promised to be a climate champion, and is about to give his first State of the Union address. But a year into his presidency Biden has failed to deliver on many of his promises. Even worse, many the Administration’s recent actions have betrayed Black, Indigenous and global majority communities who turned out …

Frozen power lines

Tell FEMA to prioritize climate disaster relief for Black and brown communities hit first and worst.

We’ve said again and again that Dr Bullard has it right: Climate chaos hits Black and brown communities first and worst. Exhibit A remains the US Gulf South: In February 2021, an Arctic blast brought devastation to communities across the Gulf, with particularly intense impacts for Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Caribbean communities. And research shows …

Methane Gas flare

Sign now to tell the EPA to crack down on methane pollution

The EPA has a chance to crack down on methane pollution and reverse the Biden Administration’s terrible track record (so far) on fossil fuels Biden’s failures are numerous: They permitted 34% more oil and gas drilling in their first year than Trump; the Department of Energy is investing billions of dollars in false solutions like …