Join the Summer of Heat Gulf South Rising, fossil fuels sinking actions next week!

Get ready to rise with the Gulf South at the Summer of Heat on Wall Street

June 28 – We’re in the streets with gulf south leaders calling for an end to fossil fuel finance. Can you share the news of our action today in New York and make a call to back us up? Some quick links to our social media accounts are below, and you can click here or …

Summer of Heat on Wall Street mass call May 23

Let’s get specific about the Summer of Heat on Wall Stret

In less than three weeks days, the Summer of Heat will launch with actions to shut down Citibank’s HQ every day, for an entire week – June 10-14. We already kicked things off with the Spring spark actions, which shut down fossil fuel funding banks in lots of cities, including a two day shutdown of …

Hot people hate Wall Street

Join the Summer of Heat because hot people hate Wall Street

Last month, we helped launch the Summer of Heat with the Spring Spark actions focussed on Citibank, shutting down their global headquarters in New York, while solidarity rallies shut down locations in DC and Houston, and other cities. Protests and Non violent actions also shut down climate-financiers like Wells Fargo in San Francisco, and there’s …

Join the spring spark actions to ignite a summer of heat on wall street

The Spring Spark ignites a Summer of Heat on Wall Street

This week, we’re launching the spring spark of direct actions against Citibank’s Environmental racism. If you missed our webinar and rally on monday, you can check out the recording below, but we’re confronting Citibank’s involvement in environmental racism, LNG and petrochemical projects, health impacts, violations of Indigenous rights, and their contributions to climate change. Actions …

Tell President Biden to declare a climate emergency

It’s Earth Day! Tell Biden to declare a climate emergency already

Look, you know climate change is already wreaking havoc on our communities, economy, and future. Frontline and fenceline communities of color, low wage workers, and the global south are hit first and worst by the impacts. But we also already have the solutions we need. President Biden has already promised to cut global warming pollution …

Join our mass call on March 28

Boiling point: Join the mass call March 28 & get connected to the Summer of Heat

April 17 update – Quick update as we’re one week out from the Spring Spark actions that will kick off our summer of heat! We’re thrilled to invite you to a crucial event where we’ll be taking a stand against environmental racism and holding Citi accountable for its role in perpetuating the climate crisis. The …

New Orleans march

Report back from New Orleans action to stop CP2 and LNG too!

We went down to New Orleans to help plan and execute an action on LNG exports at the America’s Energy Summit (AES). The AES is like a who’s-who meeting of fossil fuel corporations and their enablers in finance and government and our actions helped it shut down early, and under-attended! Scroll down for more links …

In a video on twitter, Roishetta Ozane speaks at a press conference in Washington DC with members of Congress and other frontline leaders

Take it to the streets to end climate killing fossil fuel exports!

Feb 1 – That’s a wrap – for now! Just a quick final post on this thread to report back: Yesterday we wrapped up the last of our solidarity actions with Appalachians Against Pipelines; and Today frontline leaders from the Gulf joined leading members of Congress in celebrating the Biden administration’s pause on LNG exports. …

FERC vs the World over LNG

Not too late and none too early to stop CP2 and LNG too

December 19 update for FERC meeting – Good morning activists! Today is the day of FERC’s last Commissioners’ meeting of 2023 and we’ve got some extra actions you can take to help us deliver the message to stop CP2 and LNG too! First of all, just because FERC isn’t voting on the CP2 export terminal …

Tell Biden and DOE no new LNG exports!

Stop CP2 and all new LNG too!

Nov 29 update – We’re delivering comments and petitions to the US Department of Energy tomorrow. Meanwhile, yet another new report has come out showing that the Biden administration is canceling out its own climate progress by approving dozens of new oil and gas projects, especially LNG exports. This latest report from the Center for …