CERA week 2025 flyer

March 9-14 Rise for Future Generations at CERA Week in Houston, TX

In two weeks, most Oiligarchs in the world will gather once again in Houston for a massive industry conference called CERA Week. This annual event brings together the CEOs of the biggest fossil fuel companies with the most powerful politicians in the world – including multiple energy ministers, prime ministers, and several members of Trump’s …

Trump is a Fossil Fueled Fascist

An Anti Fossil Fuel Fascist guide to election night 2024

We don’t know what’s going to happen with the election this year. Nobody does, not for sure. But we do know that Trump and his MAGA minions are fully self-proclaimed fossil fueled fascists. And we do know, based on past experience, what to expect from Trump and his team on election night and in the …

convict or be complicit banner near the capitol

Convict, Expel, stop Trump and his enablers

Trump’s second impeachment trial in the Senate continues today, with House Impeachment managers expected to wrap up their presentation. In a crucial, early, vote six Republicans joined all 50 Democrats in voting that the trial is constitutional and should proceed. We’ve got just a few more days to convince 17 Republicans to join all 50 …

impeach trump again

How to stop a coup

I’ve been struggling to pull myself away from the news and twitter to talk about the coup attempt this week. As someone who’s planned and participated in dozens of events and actions at the Capitol – many where we peacefully and non-violently risked arrest and were met with a substantially larger, armed, and violent response …

No Coups, No Fascists Power to the Masses

Count every vote, ’cause every vote counts.

This is really simple, so I’ll keep it really short. Biden has pulled ahead in the electoral college, and has already earned more votes than any candidate for President in history. But last night Donald Trump, again, lied about the election and proclaimed himself the winner. He’s still using lawsuits to try and overturn the …

Shut down the attack on Democracy

Join ShutDownDC tonight for an election protection party!

Hey metro-DC area friends. Are you worried about the election results? I don’t blame you, if so. While we’ve been preserving the pillars of our democracy and fighting for the future that we need and deserve; Trump and his enablers have been attacking the democratic process with voter suppression, intimidation and other schemes to undermine …

pledge to take action if trump wont concede

What comes next

I’ve been pretty quiet here the last few weeks, but with less than a week until election day I wanted to post a preview and some updates about what comes next. Specifically what to watch for, and how to prepare in the event that Trump tries to dispute the election results or stage a coup …