Sign the petition: Keep Trump Off Facebook

Keep fossil fueled fascist Trump off Facebook

We were all in the resistance when Trump used social media to weaponize policy against our communities and the planet. Every day was a fire hose of lies, hate, misinformation and climate denial. But it wasn’t until the day after the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol that Facebook finally suspended fossil fueled fascist …

The world needs a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. Sign if you agree

Sign now to support the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty

We all know that fossil fuels are the root cause of climate crisis, which is why scientists and climate leaders around the world have been telling us that we have to limit their production, use and expansion. But the Paris Agreement never even uses the words “fossil fuels” and does nothing to reduce their production, …

How to stop big oil video still

Sign now for a windfall profits tax: the world’s best way to stop big oil, without begging fossil fuel fascists.

October 31, 2022 Update: All this year we’ve been campaigning to get President Biden and Congress to support a windfall profits tax on Big oil. Well, today he came out and said it! This is the leadership we need to take on Big Oil’s price gouging and corporate greed. A windfall profits tax would help …

Chase Bank top fossil fuel financier 2022

Tell Chase bank to Defund Climate Chaos

JPMorgan Chase is the dirtiest bank in the world. Since the Paris climate agreement was signed, they’ve invested more than $382 billion in fossil fuels. On May 17 thousands of investors will be at the Chase annual shareholder meeting, and they’ll have a chance to vote on a climate resolutions calling for an end to …

Defund Formosa Banner Charlotte NC

Show up to tell Bank of America to stop banking on pollution and climate chaos.

Last year, Bank of America committed to achieving “net zero emissions by 2050.” And earlier this month, they announced 2030 targets to reduce the emissions “intensity” from its investments.  But the truth is that between 2016 and 2021, Bank of America provided $232 billion in lending and underwriting to the fossil fuel industry. That makes …

Wall Street’s Moment of Truth: Defund Climate Chaos

*Update* For the next eight weeks we’re taking the fight to the shareholder meetings of every major US bank and several major insurance companies. This is a real opportunity for change, because every single shareholder meeting will have a vote on whether or not to end support for fossil fuel expansion. If you want to …

Defund Formosa Plastics

Defund Formosa Plastics

Last year, every major US bank committed to achieving “net zero emissions by 2050.” But those same banks are continuing to fund the expansion of the fossil fuel industry. One of the most egregious examples of fossil fuel expansion is happening in St. James, Louisiana, where Formosa Plastics is trying to build a massive new …

Tell banks to stop funding climate chaos

Become a customer for climate justice and bank on action, not on climate change

Since the Paris Agreement was signed, Wall Street banks have loaned nearly $1.2 trillion to the fossil fuel industry. That money isn’t coming from the government, or from rich investors — it’s coming from regular customers with bank accounts and credit cards just like you and me. Now, customers like you and me are fighting …

FOX News lies, hold them accountable

DePlatform FOX News, and take back the cable airwaves for climate justice.

FOX News lies. A lot. FOX News lies about climate change, about the pandemic, and about elections and democracy. But while freedom of speech guarantees FOX News the right to say hateful, dangerous, untrue things – freedom of the press does not require us to pay them for the privilege. But that’s exactly what happens …

Activists Demand Congress Expel Fascists with Sign

Call Congress and tell them to Expel all Fossil Fueled Fascists

One year ago, fossil fueled fascists descended on DC to try and overturn a free and fair election: They stormed the Capitol, attempted to hunt down members of Congress and tried to steal the presidency for Donald Trump. They failed on Jan 6, 2021, but that wasn’t the end of it. As we’ve talked about …