A group of Summer of Heat protestors with decorated Citi bikes blocking the doors to citi bank

Citi’s Summer of Heat is Cooling Off at Last

It’s been an amazing summer of action to stop Citi and the big banks funding climate chaos and the fossil fuel corporations powering the crisis. And now our last (for now) official action is coming up on Thursday, September 5. Whether you’ve danced, dressed up as an orca, taken action at the doors of Citi …

Feminists fight fossil fuels

Feminists Fight Fossil Fuels

For the past 12 weeks, we’ve been telling you about the Summer of Heat on Wall Street where we’re taking action to end the finance of fossil fuels. All kinds of people have taken action at the global headquarters of Citibank, the largest funder of fossil fuel expansion. So far, nearly 500 people have been …

A Fall of FERC meme shows a burning earth with a FERC logo on it above the Roman colosseum

The Fall of FERC is fast approaching.

Last Spring, we fought to UnFrack FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and the Fall of FERC in September is our chance to end this imperial outpost of fossil fuels. With grassroots movements escalating against fossil fuels and federal Courts finally validating our arguments and issuing real consequences for FERC’s failures – is this the …

A citi employee punches a protestor in front of a citi sign in the company's lobby

Citi bank is getting violent. They’re not alone.

Early this morning, activists with the Summer of Heat campaign went back to Citi’s global headquarters, as we have more than a dozen times since June 10th to protest the fact that they’re the world’s largest funder of new fossil fuel projects since 2015, when the Paris climate agreement was signed. This time, a couple …

These big brands are killing the planet by partnering with Citi

Big brands are killing the planet by partnering with Citi. Help us fight back with the Summer of Heat

It’s been another amazing week on the Summer of Heat campaign to break up fossil fuels and Wall Street Banks. On Sunday, as we told you, families went to the home of Citi CEO Jane Fraser and built a memorial to children and families displaced by climate chaos. Also as expected, several dozen people were …

Stop Manchin's final dirty deal

Manchin is back with a final dirty deal

I hate even mentioning WV Senator Joe Manchin’s name. For years we fought him and his dirty deals, defeating his fossil fueled proposals time after time — until finally President Biden sold us out on a debt ceiling deal, and then on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and let Manchin have everything he wanted —from …

A meme shows the Brave little girl statue facing down the bull of wall street statue and a burning earth under the words "CEO Shutdown: march to end climate destruction"

Join the CEO Shutdown to show we will not be cowed by Citi’s anti-protest policing

Citibank, the biggest funder of new fossil fuel expansion in the world, has been lashing out at lawful, peaceful protest and we’re taking our complaint right to the CEO – Jane Fraser. We’re half of the way through the Summer of Heat — our 12 week campaign of non-violent direct action to stop the money …

A photo of the Summer of Heat Gulf South Solidarity march

Citibank rebuffed our demands. Here’s what’s next for the Summer of Heat

We’ve been telling you about our Summer of Heat on Wall Street campaign for a few weeks now. After today’s somber and powerful Elders action, where Bill McKibben and other climate leaders were arrested, a total of 294 people have been arrested as part of our campaign demanding Wall Street banks and insurers end to …