Shut Down KKR day of action March 23

Join the Wet’suwet’en Strong day of action!

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, TC Energy is still going ahead with construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline, putting communities and their workers at even more risk. We need all eyes on the Wet’suwet’en frontlines right now. Billionaire oil CEOs and industry lobbyists will see this crisis as an opportunity to push through whatever they can when …

Stop Jordan Cove - sign now

Bad news about FERC & Jordan Cove

As we feared, and warned only yesterday, in the midst of the global pandemic the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) conditionally approved the Jordan Cove fracked gas export terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline today. The approval is conditioned on Pembina, the Canadian fossil fuel corporation behind the project, qualifying for critical permits from the state …

proposed FREC logo

Sign now to turn FERC into the Federal Renewable Energy Commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has been binging on fossil fuel approvals again. In the last few months they’ve voted on party line to make ratepayers pay more money to subsidize fossil fuels, tried to influence the outcome of court decision in favor of fossil fuels before the trial, and called the fight to …

Exxon Knew, Exxon Lied, Make them pay

Prosecuting climate crime, one state at a time

We’re close to winning a victory in court to hold fossil fuel profiteers like Exxon accountable for their lies. We told you last month about a group of State Attorney Generals and local prosecutors bringing lawsuits against these companies for lying to us since the very beginning of the climate crisis. Now, it’s time to …

Stop Danly, Trumps latest FERC nominee

Trump’s newest FERC nominee is just as corrupt as you think.

We’ve written before about how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rubber stamps new pipelines and fossil fuel infrastructure, locking us into decades fo climate chaos. And in particular how Trump’s FERC has acted again and again to prioritize fossil fuel profits over the health, safety and civil rights of American citizens. So, in context, …

We the people not Fossil Fuel CEOs banner

The climate crisis isn’t an accident, it’s a crime.

On indigenous peoples day — a holiday that reclaims the memory of this continent and how it was colonized, not discovered, by Europeans — it’s important to also remember that the climate crisis didn’t “just happen”; Like Columbus, this crisis didn’t arrive at random, nor are its impacts felt equitably by all. So, how did …

Stop Jordan Cove - sign now

Stop Jordan Cove

The Jordan Cove gas terminal in Oregon would cause 36 million tons of global warming pollution. Sign here to stop it before Trump’s FERC closes the door!

We can't fight climate change unless we fix our food and ag sectors

What are we going to eat under the Green New Deal?

Ok, you’ve heard the hype: The Green New Deal is going to ban hamburgers (it doesn’t); the Green New Deal will force vegan soylant green on the unwilling masses (nope); The Green New Deal doesn’t care about farmers — actually, on that last one, it could do a better job helping farmers, but not because …

#FossilBanks No Thanks

Taking the fight to #fossilbanks

Get Excited — It’s shareholder meeting (AGM to our friends in Europe) season; And this year we’re taking the fight to some of the biggest #FossilBanks and investors on the planet. You may remember a few weeks ago when a coalition of friends (including 198 methods) released a big report showing that global banks have …