Rep Rashida Tlaib speaks at our DC rally to end the era of fossil fuels

Smoked, but not defeated, to end the era of fossil fuels

From June 8-12 thousands of us took action to demand an end to the era of fossil fuels. It was amazing. There were more than 67 actions across 26 states – from a 300 person rally where nearly 100 people risked arrest in choking wildfire smoke to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline outside the White …

End the era of fossil fuels

Keep hope sharp like an axe, and let’s end the era of fossil fuels.

June 7 update – As you’ve no doubt heard, the Northeast is blanketed in smoke from Western Canada’s wildfires. It’s led to some dramatic pictures of the New York skyline, terrible air quality that’s making people sick, and (re)awakened a lot of people to the need for urgent action on the climate crisis. RSVPS are …

Biden #StopMVP Now join us June 8

Come to the White House on June 8 to #StopMVP

After almost a decade of fighting the Mountain Valley pipeline, frontline leaders are calling us back into action at the White House on June 8. Read their call to action here: We’re organizing an affinity group to join a non violent direct action as part of the event to demonstrate our resolve, and show that …

Join us to end the era of fossil fuels

This June: Escalate to end the era of fossil fuels

Powered by fossil fuels, the climate emergency is all around us: From the Pacific Northwest heat wave breaking records and fueling Canadian wildfires. To alarming new data showing that the oceans are so heated it could threaten the overturning currents that play a key role in regulating the planet’s energy balance. And yet, the Biden …

As the seas rise and our politicians dither we will take action

No dinner parties on a burning planet

This Saturday, April 29, is the White House Correspondents dinner – known colloquially as the “nerd prom” by elite media and political operators. Traditionally, it’s a light hearted evening of fun where the President of the United States and the media that cover him take a break from the daily grind and share a meal, …

Just Say No Joe, to LNG expansion and more

Biden is breaking his climate promise, again

The Biden administration is on the verge of breaking their climate promises, again. We’ve already told you about the disastrous decision to permit the Willow Arctic Oil project, which there’s still time for the Administration to reverse, if they’re serious about climate action. But now there’s news from the so-called G7 meeting, this is a …

Drilling causes Disasters Stop Willow

Willow can still be stopped, but only by political power.

As we’ve told you, President Biden approved the Willow Arctic Oil project – a verified climate bomb that will blow all his promises, and to the Paris Climate Accords goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C to smithereens. We also got word today that while quick legal action has helped delay the project, an initial …

Stop Willow Drilling Causes Disaster

Last Chance to Stop Willow

Last Month, the Biden administration took another step closer to the bring of climate catastrophe by approving the Willow Arctic oil project in Alaska. Biden ran on climate change, and repeatedly promised to ban fossil fuel extraction on public lands and waters, and especially in the sensitive Arctic. Biden lied. Since taking office his Administration has …

Tell President Biden: No new offshore leases. Period Period Period Sign now.

Tell President Biden: No new offshore leases. Period Period Period.

We’ve told you before about President Biden’s promise to ban fossil fuel drilling on public lands and waters. But now there are only a few days left to tell Biden’s Interior Department to exclude offshore drilling from their 5 year plan. The current plan calls for 11 additional lease sales: 10 in the Gulf of Mexico, …