Stop Manchin's final dirty deal

Manchin is back with a final dirty deal

I hate even mentioning WV Senator Joe Manchin’s name. For years we fought him and his dirty deals, defeating his fossil fueled proposals time after time — until finally President Biden sold us out on a debt ceiling deal, and then on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and let Manchin have everything he wanted —from …

A meme shows the Brave little girl statue facing down the bull of wall street statue and a burning earth under the words "CEO Shutdown: march to end climate destruction"

Join the CEO Shutdown to show we will not be cowed by Citi’s anti-protest policing

Citibank, the biggest funder of new fossil fuel expansion in the world, has been lashing out at lawful, peaceful protest and we’re taking our complaint right to the CEO – Jane Fraser. We’re half of the way through the Summer of Heat — our 12 week campaign of non-violent direct action to stop the money …

A photo of the Summer of Heat Gulf South Solidarity march

Citibank rebuffed our demands. Here’s what’s next for the Summer of Heat

We’ve been telling you about our Summer of Heat on Wall Street campaign for a few weeks now. After today’s somber and powerful Elders action, where Bill McKibben and other climate leaders were arrested, a total of 294 people have been arrested as part of our campaign demanding Wall Street banks and insurers end to …

Join the Summer of Heat Gulf South Rising, fossil fuels sinking actions next week!

Get ready to rise with the Gulf South at the Summer of Heat on Wall Street

June 28 – We’re in the streets with gulf south leaders calling for an end to fossil fuel finance. Can you share the news of our action today in New York and make a call to back us up? Some quick links to our social media accounts are below, and you can click here or …

Tell the Senate to vote no on these nominees to UnFrack FERC

We’ve seen enough. Tell the Senate to vote NO to UnFrack FERC

June 10 update: Well that happened fast. last week the the Senate Energy Committee voted to confirm the whole slate of new FERC nominees. Only Senator Sanders (I-VT and always our friend) voted like we asked and opposed both Rosner and See. Senator Hirono (D-HI) voted against See, the Republican. And a couple of Republicans …

Summer of Heat on Wall Street mass call May 23

Let’s get specific about the Summer of Heat on Wall Stret

In less than three weeks days, the Summer of Heat will launch with actions to shut down Citibank’s HQ every day, for an entire week – June 10-14. We already kicked things off with the Spring spark actions, which shut down fossil fuel funding banks in lots of cities, including a two day shutdown of …

Biden permitted SPOT but there's still time to fix it

A big dirty SPOT on Biden’s climate record

A few weeks ago, the Biden administration has approved the construction of the Sea Port Oil Terminal, or SPOT, over our very loud objections. SPOT is poised to be the biggest offshore oil terminal in the U.S, which will increase cancer-causing air pollutants in Texas’ Brazoria and Harris counties and make climate change worse. The …

Hot people hate Wall Street

Join the Summer of Heat because hot people hate Wall Street

Last month, we helped launch the Summer of Heat with the Spring Spark actions focussed on Citibank, shutting down their global headquarters in New York, while solidarity rallies shut down locations in DC and Houston, and other cities. Protests and Non violent actions also shut down climate-financiers like Wells Fargo in San Francisco, and there’s …

Bank of Ameri-Can't keep killing us

The People vs Bank of America and their Mountain Valley Pipeline

We told you late last week that the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which is still incomplete despite being years of behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget, is asking FERC for permission to begin putting gas in the pipeline in late May. Not too late to send comments Telling FERC to “just say no” to …