Burn Borders Not Coal

Here and No Further

Last fall, Ende Gelände organized 6,000 people to block an active coal mine and 82 simultaneous tree sits to protect a forest from being bulldozed. RSVP to their winter tour with Rising Tide to learn more.

Emily disrupts the Wheeler hearing

Wheeler, Schumer and a week of action in DC

This has been a busy week for Congress, which means it’s been a busy week for activists. On Tuesday afternoon, Drew helped run a training session at the Friends of the Earth headquarters in Washington D.C. and prepared to take action at Andrew Wheeler’s confirmation hearing. At the training, six of us (including Drew) volunteered …

Join the poor people's campaign

Show up with the Poor People’s Campaign: Because everybody’s got a right to breathe

Since mid-May, thousands of people have been rallying for policies to dismantle systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, and environmental degradation. It’s called the Poor People’s Campaign, A national call for moral revival, and the vision was laid down by Dr. Martin luther King 50 years ago. The call is for all of us to …