Chase Bank top fossil fuel financier 2022

Tell Chase bank to Defund Climate Chaos

JPMorgan Chase is the dirtiest bank in the world. Since the Paris climate agreement was signed, they’ve invested more than $382 billion in fossil fuels. On May 17 thousands of investors will be at the Chase annual shareholder meeting, and they’ll have a chance to vote on a climate resolutions calling for an end to …

Caught Red Handed Bunge and the Directors of deforestation

Tell your state pension managers to Defund Deforestation!

The Brazilian Cerrado is known as the “birthplace of waters,” and is home to some of the greatest biodiversity in the world. This vast region is also home to many communities of peasants, indigenous peoples, and quilombolas (Afro-Brazilian rural communities). But the relentless expansion of the soy industry is causing widespread ecosystem destruction and increasingly …

Wall Street’s Moment of Truth: Defund Climate Chaos

*Update* For the next eight weeks we’re taking the fight to the shareholder meetings of every major US bank and several major insurance companies. This is a real opportunity for change, because every single shareholder meeting will have a vote on whether or not to end support for fossil fuel expansion. If you want to …