Tell Joe Biden – we need a climate champ at FERC

President Joe Biden is on the cusp of naming a new commissioner to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and this decision will have a huge impact on our climate and clean energy plans – especially Biden’s promise to move all electricity generation in the US to 100% clean, renewable sources for electricity by 2035. …

President Biden Build back Fossil Free

Hot week of DC Action coming up – meet me downtown?

President Biden isn’t taking the action we need on climate change – and even worse he’s siding with Trump-era judges, GOP Senators, and other climate-deniers to block progress and enable pipelines and pollution. That’s why, all this week, we’re taking action to pressure Biden and Congress to cut the crap – stop negotiating with the …

End Polluter Welfare webinar screenshot

Get trained to help us end polluter welfare this summer

In case you missed it, our digital rally with Zero Hour and partners earlier this week was amazing – and created some big news in our fight to end polluter welfare this summer. Check out the recording below to hear from youth leaders, frontline activists, Progressive champion Rep. Ro Khana, and a surprise video address …

Biden and Congress #BuildBackRenewable

Call, tweet, and post now to #BuildBackRenewable

Today is the last day of action with our friends at Beyond Extreme Energy to tell Congress to #BuildBackBetter by #BuildBackRenewable & #BuildbackFossilFree. In case you missed it, there’s a link to the message we sent on the first day of action below. If you have 10 minutes today to help, here’s three simple actions …

Build Back Renewable

Join the #BuildBackRenewable days of action

President Biden proposed The American Jobs Plan as a big, bold infrastructure bill to build back better, and invest billions of dollars in clean energy, electric cars and more. But while Biden’s proposal contains a lot of good ideas, it also contains many false solutions and vague definitions that could be turned into benefits for …

Call Congress to support Thrive

The next 100 days

The last few weeks have been intense as we wrapped up Biden’s first 100 days in office and celebrated Earth Day. They also show a clear path forward for what we have to do next, and how the next few months of action for our planet will probably go. This post wraps up the last …

No Coups, No Fascists Power to the Masses

Count every vote, ’cause every vote counts.

This is really simple, so I’ll keep it really short. Biden has pulled ahead in the electoral college, and has already earned more votes than any candidate for President in history. But last night Donald Trump, again, lied about the election and proclaimed himself the winner. He’s still using lawsuits to try and overturn the …