People's Earth Week Arts Action April 15-25

Earth Day is HERE!

Earth Day Update – Have you seen all our climate art and Earth Day activities yet?! More than 1,300 people were mailed some 60,000 climate posters for the Peoples’ Earth Week. We’ve already seen the art out in the streets and in use at events in Colorado, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, …

Just Say No Joe, to LNG expansion and more

Biden is breaking his climate promise, again

The Biden administration is on the verge of breaking their climate promises, again. We’ve already told you about the disastrous decision to permit the Willow Arctic Oil project, which there’s still time for the Administration to reverse, if they’re serious about climate action. But now there’s news from the so-called G7 meeting, this is a …

Drilling causes Disasters Stop Willow

Willow can still be stopped, but only by political power.

As we’ve told you, President Biden approved the Willow Arctic Oil project – a verified climate bomb that will blow all his promises, and to the Paris Climate Accords goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C to smithereens. We also got word today that while quick legal action has helped delay the project, an initial …

HR 1 the Polluters over people act

Call Now to stop H.R.1 the Republican Polluters over people act

The US Congress is voting RIGHT NOW on Republicans’ the Republican fossil fuel bill known as H.R.1. Click here or call 833-971-2490 to get connected to your member of Congress and tell them to vote NO! The bill is a classic giveaway to the fossil fuel industry and polluters: Faster permits for pipelines, more subsidies …

Banks cut it out or we'll cut it up

TODAY is the 3.21.23 Day of Action to Stop Dirty Banks!

In light of the recent upheavals in the banking sector and the greater concentration of deposits in the large Wall Street banks, now more than ever we need to demand that these banks use their power and funds responsibly. The banks must manage both financial risks and climate risks; indeed climate risks ARE financial risks. …

IPCC graphic showing that we are on track to produce 110% more fossil fuels than we can burn

Breaking #ClimateReport news: 110% more climate chaos forecast

Today, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their latest and most comprehensive #ClimateReport. You can read it here. It’s bad. The IPCC has clearly and repeatedly sounded the alarm that countries must meet their promise to keep global warming below 1.5ºC in order to protect people and the planet. And they …

Starbucks this is your sign to be kind to your workers and stop union busting

This Wednesday, stand with Starbucks workers for people and planet

For more than a year, Starbucks workers have joined together, raised their voices, cast ballots and gone on strike to demand Starbucks respect their right to a union. Workers are asking for simple things, like a voice in their workplace over pay and scheduling. Starbucks, which posted $3.3 billion in profits last year, has responded …

Banks cut it out or we'll cut it up

Are you ready to break up a big, dirty bank this week?

This Tuesday, March 21, is our big day of action to demand banks stop funding climate chaos. I’m on my way to DC, to join Sierra Club Director ben Jealous and Third Act founder Bill McKibben for a “rocking chair rebellion” by older activists, backed up by plenty of art, music, and direct action in …