Stop Manchin's FERC!

Tune in today to the fight to stop Manchin’s deal, and Manchin’s FERC

May 19 update – just a quick note at the end of the week to say: We did it! We did ALL of it! And it’s working! If you didn’t get the chance to tune in, we had a busy morning at FERC with rallies, a non-violent direct action that blocked the driveway entrance to …

Join us to end the era of fossil fuels

This June: Escalate to end the era of fossil fuels

Powered by fossil fuels, the climate emergency is all around us: From the Pacific Northwest heat wave breaking records and fueling Canadian wildfires. To alarming new data showing that the oceans are so heated it could threaten the overturning currents that play a key role in regulating the planet’s energy balance. And yet, the Biden …

Act now: Stop Manchin's dirty debt ceiling deal

It’s back: Stop Manchin’s dirty debt ceiling deal!

June 1 update – Last night the House passed the dirty debt ceiling deal with no amendments. About 100 Democrats voted against the “no amendments” rule before they voted for the dirty deal. Which is the most, and depressingly inadequate, good news I can give you about the vote. The better news is that the bill …

Tell FERC Environmental Justice is more than a box to check.

Tell FERC environmental justice isn’t a box to check

For years we’ve told you how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rubber stamps virtually every fossil fuel project proposed to them. There’s a new FERC Environmental Justice docket open right now, which builds upon their roundtable discussion last March. They’ve also been ordered by President Biden, under a new Executive Order issued for Earth …

pass the EJ for All Act

Sign Now for Environmental Justice for All

We’ve told you before about the newly re-named and re-introduced A. Donald McEachin Environmental Justice For All Act. The bill was reintroduced in late March by Rep. Grijalva, Rep. Barbara Lee, and Senators Tammy Duckworth and Cory Booker. And it is still the gold standard for how to guarantee every American’s right to clean air, …

Sign now to stop Manchin's dirty Deal!

Act now to stop the next dirty deal before it starts

Last year we stopped Manchin’s zombie dirty deal not once, or twice, but three times. But it’s still wasn’t enough. Fossil fueled fascists in Congress have been hard at work trying to get the zombie plan known as “permitting reform” back up and shuffling. They made it the centerpiece of the GOP-Controlled House’s first bill, …

As the seas rise and our politicians dither we will take action

No dinner parties on a burning planet

This Saturday, April 29, is the White House Correspondents dinner – known colloquially as the “nerd prom” by elite media and political operators. Traditionally, it’s a light hearted evening of fun where the President of the United States and the media that cover him take a break from the daily grind and share a meal, …