Joe Biden Build Back Fossil Free

Next week – join us to build back fossil free!

We told President Biden that to build back better he has to build back fossil free, and the first few weeks of his administration have been even better than we’d hoped! President Biden blocked the Keystone XL pipeline and rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement on day one – January 20. On January 28, he went …

Deb Haaland BeFierce poster

Tell the Senate: #BeFierce & confirm Deb Haaland Interior Secretary

President Joe Biden has picked Deb Haaland to be his Secretary of the Interior. It’s exactly the kinds of barrier breaking, fossil fuel busting, build-back-better choice we had in mind when we started talking about the need for a Fossil Free Cabinet. If confirmed, Haaland wouldn’t just be the first indigenous woman to run the …

Digital rally to Build Back Fossil Free

Join us Tuesday to Build Back Fossil Free

Important update on our campaign to convince President Biden to Build Back Fossil Free: Last week, we held an initial day of action, and then Biden canceled the KeystoneXL pipeline on the same day he was inaugurated. This week, we’ve all heard that President Biden is planning a second series of climate announcements, probably focused …

Build back Fossil Free

Tell Biden to Build Back Fossil Free

Tomorrow, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated as the 46th President and Vice President of the United states. They’ll take take over a country ravaged by pandemic, convulsed by a white supremacist coup attempt, and reeling from four years of Trump’s climate denial and fossil fueled fascism. Biden and team have promised to …

Fossil free cabinet

Biden’s cabinet is going off the rails, into climate chaos.

Last week we wrote to you about the important chance to make sure Joe Biden picks climate activists, not corporate cronies, for his cabinet. Since then, unfortunately, the process has dissolved into a disorganized hodgepodge of favor-trading, corruption, and skin deep lip service for progressive values. This was supposed to be a moment for experience, …

Fossil Free Cabinet

It’s time for a non-corporate, fossil free cabinet

For the last four years, we’ve witnessed the unchecked racism, environmental damage, and sheer incompetence of having the White House and Administration run by corporate fossil fuel flunkies. Thanks to our work and the work of many others to block Trump’s attempts to undermine the election and overturn the results, and thanks to the votes …