Don't let cable companies slow down the resistance

We Wouldn’t Exist Without Net Neutrality

We all depend on Net Neutrality to take action. Help save it before July 17! Imagine a world where Donald Trump’s tweets are delivered faster, instantly, to every device in the world, but our messages and emails planning protest and resistance take hours to be delivered. It’s not a nightmare (well, it would be) — …

FERC doesn’t work, let’s keep it that way

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), is a rogue federal agency charged with reviewing all major inter-state fracked gas projects – including pipelines, compressor stations, and export terminals.1 They also have broad powers to set rules and rates for state and regional electric grids, which can have a huge impact on the price of solar and …

Every Branch, Every bank

Our #NoDAPL movement is celebrating the fact that a federal judge ordered the US Army Corp of Engineers to re-do its environmental review of the Dakota Access Pipeline. But the judge didn’t shut down the pipeline (yet) and we still need to take action to stop DAPL, and all pipelines proposed in North America. More …

Take on the 17 Banks that finance Tar Sands Pipelines

*Editor’s note* I kept looking for a break in the Trump news to send this email, instead, I emailed out an earlier version of it 20 minutes before a special prosecutor was appointed. *sigh*If you’re still looking for a way to respond directly — by calling for impeachment,  an independent investigation, or a lick of …

7 years ago was the BP spill, in 9 days we’ll see you at the People’s Climate March

Donald Trump hates big protests. So we’re gonna give him the biggest one yet to cap the first 100 days of resistance. I’m sure you’ve already heard about the PCM March for climate, jobs, and justice on April 29. What you might not have heard or remembered is that today is the 7th anniversary of …

Rise with Standing Rock

Knifing tipis and pointing loaded rifles at indigenous organizers: That’s how they cleared the prayer camp at Standing Rock.1 The closure of the main camp at Standing Rock was a hard thing to watch, even from afar. Police moved through the smoke of structures burned in ceremonial fires, arresting and chasing down anyone who remained.2 …

We fixed the coverage on the Carbon Tax

About that Republican Carbon Tax

Editorial boards everywhere are positively swooning over the dulcet crooning of a new boy band called The Climate Leadership Council (CLC). That’s right, the carbon tax band is back together! But as usual, for backers of a carbon tax, the editorial boards are missing a fundamental truth: Climate change will not be solved by a bipartisan consensus of old …

We moved $5 billion to DeFundDAPL, but Trump can't hear you

Check out what you did to DeFundDAPL

** Update** I was writing you a message about what we did to De-Fund the Dakota Access Pipeline (# DeFundDAPL) is working. And then Trump’s Army Corps of Engineers announced that they were ignoring the law, tribal sovereignty, US treaties, and common decency to ram through the Dakota access pipeline. In response, I’m encouraging everyone to …

red gate image from twitter

Disecting the #DistruptJ20 inauguration protest

It’s been more than a  week since the inauguration and the protest that denied Trump the crowds he craves, and helped reset the media narrative. We’ve got a lot to be proud of in the climate movement, and we’re struggling under the sheer weight of horrible news that’s been dumped on us in an unbelievably short …

Help shut down the banks funding the Dakota Access Pipeline

You’ve signed on and spoken out, now it’s time to show up: Donald Trump has signed executive memos intended to expedite the construction of the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines.1 But there’s something he doesn’t know or expect: A growing movement of over half a million consumers around the world, representing over $2.3 billion …