Ran Action Calling on BNP to Divest, and they did!

Big French Bank Defunds Pipelines – Sign now to #DivestTheGlobe

I’ve got more good news this week: French Mega-bank BNP Paribas announced this that it’s cutting its funding for extreme oil and fracked gas projects in the US and Canada. While we (and our friends in France) will need to monitor the implementation and details, the news is REALLY GOOD. Specifically: BNP Paribas will not fund new …

BIG NEWS – Big French Bank Defunds Pipelines!

Thanks again for being one of more than 40,000 people to sign the petition demanding that big banks stop financing climate disasters and respect Indigenous rights. I’ve got three important updates and ways you can help the campaign this week: Today BNP Paribas announced that it’s cutting its funding for extreme oil and fracked gas …

Big news – Basic economics killed a pipeline

TransCanada, the same company behind Keystone XL, just pulled the plug on its disastrous $15.7 billion Energy East Pipeline in Canada. This is a huge win for all the climate activists, Indigenous leaders and nations, and Canadians of all sorts who fought for years to stop this pipeline — just as we in the US …

What happened at FERC last week

FERC doesn’t work. but they’re back at work in a big way – clearing the more than $13 billion in back-logged projects sitting on their desk by rubber stamping every pipeline, compressor station, export terminal and bad fossil-fueled idea they can lay their hands on. To those who showed up — online or in person …

stop trumps dirty energy agenda flyer

Stop Trump’s Dirty Energy Agenda from home!

Hey! Are you stuck at home or work on September 20 and looking for an easy way to take action along with more than 30,000 other people to stop the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) from implementing Trump’s Dirty Energy Agenda? You’re in the right place! Use this page to call in, tweet along, and …

stop trumps dirty energy agenda flyer

Join us in DC To Stop Trump’s Dirty Energy Agenda!

September 20, 2017 8:30 AM Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First St, NE, Washington, DC 20426 Afternoon lobbying on the hill to begin around 11:30, starting with a lunch time gathering in the Lower Senate park next to the Russell Senate Office Building, the corner of D St. and Delaware Ave NE. Agenda How to …

Stop Trumps Dirty Energy Agenda the Change starts here

Stop Trump’s Dirty Energy Agenda

For months, we successfully held up $13 billion in pipeline and gas-export projects by denying the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) a quorum. Last month, on the last day before a 3 week vacation, Senator Lisa Murkowski successfully broke the bureaucratic logjam by herself. Using a unanimous consent motion mere moments before the Senate Adjourned for …

stop trumps dirty energy agenda flyer

Tune in with us Thursday – Stop Trump’s Dirty Energy Agenda at FERC

For the last few months, at least 17 fracked gas projects worth an estimated $13 billion have been stalled at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). But now that FERC’s quorum has been restored, what’s next for the Atlantic Coast, Mountain Valley, NEXUS Gas, PennEast, WB Express, Delfin LNG, and many other projects? That’s the …

Stop Energy Transfer Partners This Weekend

You probably remember Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) as the company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline. But DAPL isn’t the end of their mischief. Wherever they build, ETP violates indigenous sovereignty and human rights, steals land, poisons air and water, and trashes the climate. That’s why we’re teaming up with a big coalition of frontline communities …


Most of the info on this page is copied from the Harvey response page at Another Gulf Is Possible. Their page is updated more frequently – so click here for the most up to date list of what’s needed and what to do. When Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana 12 years ago, it seared …