Democrats cave on Dreamers, here’s why it’s bad for the climate.

Yesterday Chuck Schumer led Senate Democrats to abandon their bargaining position and re-open the government. For their vote, those Democrats got absolutely zero protections for Dreamers and only a verbal contract (worth the paper it’s printed on) that he’d allow a vote to protect Dreamers before February 8. Let’s be clear: Schumer made a BAD …

Coal plant - sign by Jan 16

Sign Here: Forward on climate, not one step back on Clean Power Plan

It’s no secret that Trump and his EPA toady Scott Pruitt are climate deniers. They’ll do (and have done) anything to give more power to the coal, oil and gas industry in their relentless pursuit of a more polluted and unequal union. Now Pruitt’s EPA wants to repeal the Clean Power Plan — Obama’s signature rule …

Darkest hour

Happy winter solstice – if happy is what you want to call it. It’s been another rough week. Earlier this week the Republicans rammed through a disastrous tax bill that will (among many other bad things) give special tax breaks to pipeline builders, Arctic drillers, and other assorted fossil fueled ne’er do-wells. As I write …

Two pipelines a week

Last week the Army Corps of Engineers gave preliminary approval to the Bayou Bridge Pipeline (BBP). A few days earlier, the Virginia Water Control Board (VaWCB) voted 4-3 to approve the fracked gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), but required a final review of several environmental studies. That second one is actually considered a partial victory, since the …

Don't let cable companies slow down the resistance

Break the internet in order to save it

This Thursday, Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could destroy the open internet. Big cable and phone companies like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T have been lobbying for years to end net neutrality so they charge us extra fees, throttle the speed of content they don’t like or outright censor speech critical of corporations or the political elite. …