Tell Congress to Fire Scott Pruitt

Sign here to Fire Pruitt as head of the EPA

It’s past time to fire Scott Pruitt, Trump’s head of the EPA. Whether he’s tearing apart climate change regulations or making it easier to spread toxic pesticides, Pruitt stands out as the most dangerous, and effective, members of Trump’s cabinet. Your Representative can demand that Pruitt resign, and even fire him using the same impeachment …

mayors can save net neutrality

Your mayor could save Net Neutrality

Late last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) caved to corporate interests and voted to eliminate Net Neutrality; That’s the basic concept that your internet provider cannot slow down your browsing on certain pages, block websites, or charge apps and sites extra fees to reach an audience. All legal content is treated the same. It’s been …

FERC Subcommittee hearing

Back to FERC with new demands

After almost a year without a quorum, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is back to it’s rubber-stamping ways with four new Trump appointees (three of them Republicans). Since getting their quorum back, FERC has approved new pipelines, and considered several plans to subsidize coal, gas and nuclear over renewable energy. Thankfully, the rejected a …

defendants attorneys and support at the West Roxbury courthouse

Not Guilty by necessity in West Roxbury

Earlier today (March 27) 13 defendants went into the west Roxbury District courthouse to answer charges related to their arrests protesting the West Roxbury (Mass) Lateral Pipeline. We expected to have charges against them reduced to civil infractions — the equivalent of a parking ticket. While finding no grounds to deny that motion from the …

kick this climate denier out of the American Museum of Natural History

Kick Climate Deniers out of the Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City is one of the premier institutions for public understanding of science in America. It’s a place children come to learn and develop a sense of wonder about the natural world. And it’s a top scientific institution looking into how our planet and climate have …

Tim And Sophia in Trench in West Roxbury

Sign now: Climate on trial in West Roxbury

In the West Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, Spectra Energy was building a fracked-gas pipeline off of their existing AIM pipeline. Beginning in October of 2015, Resist The Pipeline began a campaign of climate disobedience, getting in the way of active pipeline construction. The campaign grew, and eventually 198 people (Serendipity much?) were arrested over …

Don't let Trump drill our coasts

Last 48 hours to comment on Trump’s offshore drilling plan

Apologies if you’ve already submitted a comment opposing offshore drilling in a different way or with a different group. But even if you have, it’s still really important that you submit a comment direct to BOEM using our new form – this will put your message in the fast-lane for BOEM. This offshore drilling plan is really terrible, …