We told you a week or so ago how fossil fueled fascists are looking for a way out of paying for the climate chaos they created by asking convicted felon Donald Trump and his MAGA minions in Congress to give them blanket immunity from climate crimes.
In case you missed it, here’s the recording of our webinar on the topic. But the key takeaway is this: We’re making progress and that’s making the polluters and climate criminals scared.
More than thirty states and municipalities are already suing polluters for climate damages. Roughly a dozen states are considering climate superfund laws, and two states — New York and Vermont — have already passed them. That’s why polluters are asking fossil fueled fascists to give them a “liability waiver” — basically a get out of jail free card — that would give polluters blanket immunity from any efforts to hold them accountable for their climate crimes.
But they don’t have immunity yet, and we wont stop holding them accountable. Sign the petition demanding congress stop the polluters get out of jail free card!
Fossil fuel companies have known for decades that they were causing the climate crisis. But instead of doing something about it, they lied to the public and lobbied against climate solutions – and became the most profitable industry in the history of money by doing it. And now that cities and state legislatures are winning court cases to hold polluters accountable, fossil fuel fascists are asking for a “liability waiver.”
It’s not an idle threat: Trump promised on the campaign trail to “stop the wave of frivolous litigation from environmental extremists.” And this same type of immunity legislation was passed 2005 to protect gun manufacturers from being held responsible when their product kills people.
But to give Big Oil a “get out of jail free” card and allow them to keep raking in record profits while we all pay the price of their pollution, Trump and the fossil fueled fascists in Congress will have to pass a law – or attach it as an amendment to something like a Budget or Government spending bill. That’s a complicated process that requires all the Republicans, and maybe a few elected Democrats to agree with it. Even one or two defections could be enough to block Big Oil’s get out of jail free card.
Please do not let fossil fuels businesses get away with pollution.