We told you late last week that the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which is still incomplete despite being years of behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget, is asking FERC for permission to begin putting gas in the pipeline in late May. Not too late to send comments Telling FERC to “just say no” to MVP’s plan to be start operating the pipeline early: Use docket numbers CP16-10 (You can also include CP19-477 and CP21-57) and use this toolkit if you need help with what to say.
But the other way we can stop the MVP is by shutting off the money pipeline. Let me explain: the MVP has had to borrow billions of dollars to get this far, and has been given incredibly unfair advantages to evade lawsuits, permits, and compliance with their own rules and plans. But even with all those investors, dirty deals, and unfair advantages – the MVP still has not been completed! That’s why they’re pushing for FERC to give them permission to start operating early, even if the pipeline is only 63% built. If investors get nervous about the pace of progress (or lack of it) on the MVP, they can call in their loans and put MVP out of business.
Charlotte based Bank of America is one of MVP’s biggest backers. So we are traveling to their HQ on May 8 to send them a clear message: stop backing MVP and all fossil fuel projects NOW! Click here to rsvp and join us!
After the President and Congress greenlit the Mountain Valley Pipeline, the company has been devouring Appalachian mountains, streams, and homes with its rabid construction. Landslides, weeks-long pollution incidents, contaminated drinking water, and increased state repression have haunted communities on the frontline. These environmental justice violations would not be possible without the banks funding the pipeline.
On May 8th, allies will gather near the Wells Fargo branch in uptown Charlotte, NC and march past the Chase branch, to the Bank of America headquarters (half a mile). We will gather at the public space across the street from the BoA headquarters for a hearing on environmental justice violations perpetrated by the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which all these banks support.
Join the frontlines in Charlotte to expose Bank of America’s responsibility for MVP’s crimes!