Chevron continues to fuel Genocide for Profit

On this Friday, January 31, Chevron will announces its latest quarterly profits. Profits which are fueled by Isreal’s war machine, US Taxpayers, and genocide and conflict the world over.

The International Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS) Movement has called for a weekend of action to protest Chevron because its profits come at the cost of genocide, apartheid, and the climate crisis. Can you join us this weekend January 31 – February 2?

You can RSVP for one of a dozen events already planned here. Or if you want help planning something, click here for a simple signup with lots of links to resources and toolkits to help you find and protest Chevron this weekend.

Here’s the facts: Chevron is fueling Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and their ongoing colonial wars of expansion across the region. Chevron supplies energy and millions of dollars in tax revenue to Israel. And despite the ceasefire Chevron operates offshore gas fields in territory claimed by Israel, manages a pipeline that runs from Israel to Egypt off the coast of Gaza, and is a key company supplying crude oil to Israel.

Chevron also fuels the climate crisis by continuing to expand fossil fuel exploration, extraction, and production despite global calls to ramp down fossil fuel production between now and 2030. Out of all investor-owned companies, Chevron has produced the most cumulative climate pollution in history. If the company were held partially accountable for the climate loss and damage caused by its pollution, it would owe $900 Billion. But despite being found liable for tens of Billions of dollars in damages already, Chevron refuses to pay for their destruction of our climate, communities, and neighbors.

But we know they are also vulnerable to public pressure. Thanks to pressure from activists like us, the corporation recently suspended work on the Leviathan gas field off the coast of Gaza. And they already admitted they will lose up to $1.5 billion as major investments end.

Now is the moment to rise up and take action to #BoycottChevron and demand action. You can join our social media storm during the Chevron earnings call on Friday, January 31, 2025 at 11:00 AM EST. Chevron will be live tweeting so just like last time we’ll post on twitter and other social media platforms and reply to their tweets to make clear that their profits come at the cost of genocide, apartheid, and the climate crisis. Then, all weekend long, we’ll join and organize actions at Chevron offices, gas stations, and other outlets. Check the map to join an existing action or add your own.

PS — if you haven’t already, click here to sign the #BoycottChevron Pledge now and send a message to Chevron CEO Mike Wirth.