FERC is scary. Taking action isn’t.

This fall has been a roller coaster ride of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) news: First, courts struck down several projects FERC had approved, and which we had protested, and ordered them not just to reconsider, but to re-do the whole permitting process on them; Then, we took those demands to the September FERC meeting and disrupted the meeting dozens of times to underline our message. At our press conference before the meeting, we heard from frontline friends with the Carrizo Comecrudo tribe of Texas that despite the court orders, work is continuing on projects. And then, during the meeting, FERC Chair Willie Phillips — who refused to meet with frontline leaders who’d traveled to DC from the gulf south — dismissed the court decisions and basically say that he knows better what’s good for our climate and communities.

Check out the video below for a recap. Now, friends at Beyond Extreme Energy, Third Act, and others are planning a 24 hour spooky-season vigil outside FERC. You can help!

Sign this petition calling on FERC to stop work on all the projects the court ordered invalid and BXE & friends will deliver the message at this month’s FERC meeting. We’ll also be delivering our petition from September that calls on FERC to simply not approve the projects.

In or near DC? It’s not too late to join these friends outside FERC – just come down anytime between 12pm October 16 and 12pm October 17 (around the time the FERC monthly meeting wraps up) to join them!

Here’s the video!

For some more background:

 This past spring we ran a whole campaign to disrupt FERC’s monthly meetings and call on them to reject many of the same LNG export projects later included in the court decisions – you can see many examples and past actions in our blog. You can also click here to see a youtube video of the May disruptions.

This fall the D.C. Circuit Court struck at the heart of FERC’s broken permitting process by vacating multiple fossil fuel permits — including a Williams pipeline in New Jersey, as well as the Rio Grande LNG, TX LNG, and Rio Bravo pipelines in Texas — The court found that FERC has failed to consider climate change analysis and clear violations of environmental justiceThis is just what we’ve been telling FERC for years and all spring with the unFrack FERC campaign!

So now BXE is holding a 24 hour Haunting of FERC- staying outside of the FERC offices from noon on 10/16 to noon on 10/17. We’ll be in costumes highlighting the horrors FERC has brought to the world, making jack o lanterns, hosting a Phone Zap, and delivering a petition to FERC Chair Willie Phillips.

Stop by for an hour or two- or stay the night!

We’ll be calling FERC and demanding they take immediate action on these court rulings. To date FERC has not taken any actions to halt the construction of these projects, and they need to. Sign this new petition to call on FERC to immediately order a stop to all construction work on the projects while they re-do the permitting process and (hopefully) deny the permits for them. 

For more information or to RSVP securely for BXE’s action in DC, click here: