Last call to UnFrack FERC this May

May 23 — That’s a wrap! We went back to FERC this morning for the third and final of our #UnFrackFERC spring action series. We started with a great rally and speak out that featured numerous statements from frontline communities impacted by FERC decisions this month.

Then we had a big crew of folks inside the FERC meeting who spoke out and silently demonstrated opposition to FERC’s continued rubber stamping of fossil fuel projects. We also stormed the FERC lobby (non-violently) with songs of love and defiance.

You can watch and share the video below to get a sense of the action and spread the word. Or check out more photos, videos and other content on our social media:

You can send a comment to support us at these links:

  1. *Updated May 28* Click here to join the call in day to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline starting at ~1pm Eastern.
  2. You can send a comment to FERC using their E-comment tool:
    1. Use docket number CP16-10-000 to comment on the MVP
    2. Use Docket number ER24-1290-000 to comment on the New England forward Capacity auction
    3. Use Docket number CP23-513-000 to comment on the Port Arthur pipeline.
    4. More docket numbers and projects in the FERC sunshine notice here! 
  3. Or just contact them during normal business hours and share any message you like! Note if you call or email, they’ll probably tell you to put it in an E-comment using the tool above. So feel free to call and tell them “I tried that and your website stinks. Get bent bozos!”
    Telephone: 202-502-6088
    Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3372

Since our April action, a disastrous safety test blew out a section of the MVP pipeThis is exactly the sort of thing we’ve been telling FERC to fine and hold the MVP accountable about for years: Shoddy work, degraded pipes and coating, failure to adhere to safety and environmental standards. Now there’s photographic evidence that our concerns were not only justified, but possibly understated the danger to public safety and the environment!

So, we’ll tell them again – FERC’s duty to safety and the environment compels them to reject the MVP’s request for an early in-service date. But FERC has not been very good at either receiving feedback. Nor have they ever rejected a project or denied an industry request as a result of (even overwhelming) public comment. And this month’s FERC meeting promises to have a doozy of additional bad projects approved – including new and expanded LNG in Texas, and the return of our old enemy the New England Forward Capacity Auction.

That’s the whole reason we’ve been waging our campaign to UnFrack FERC this spring: FERC doesn’t work. And to UnF***k FERC, we have to take direct action. Join us in DC or online on May 23 to make it happen!


  1. Pingback:We've seen enough. Tell the Senate to vote NO to UnFrack FERC - 198 methods

  2. Pingback:Meet us in Holyoke MA to snuff out gas! - 198 methods

  3. Kristy Lindberg

    It is imperative that we stop MVP, which has proven to be unsafe and terribly dangerous. And no fracking!

  4. Fracking is causing a huge problem to the environment and wildlife. This has to stop!

  5. Felicity Brock Kelcourse

    Thank you for the video! I will share this with my students.

  6. Please Unfrac Everything which needs it, now!
    Thank u.

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