Wall Street banks fund fossil fuels and fascism

Yesterday, I wrote an update on how Wall Street banks and hedge funds are investing in fossil fuels and climate chaos. Today I’m here to tell you how they’re funding fascism and Donald Trump.

Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase are some of the biggest donors to the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation wrote and is coordinating Project 2025, a scheme to remake America into a fascist state with Trump as the supreme leader. Project 2025 seeks to purge the government of non-partisan experts, replacing them with radical ideologues loyal only to Trump’s fossil fuel fascist movement.

Their financial contributions have directly supported the propagation of Project 2025 and fossil fueled fascism. Sign here to demand Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase reject Trump’s Project 2025 and fossil fuel fascism now.

It’s hard to say what the worst thing is about Project 2025 because it’s basically a roadmap for fossil fueled fascism: A national ban on abortion; Separation of families at the border; Defunding the FBI and using the Justice Department to prosecute Trump’s political enemies; The end of birthright citizenship, and the creation of deportation camps; The end of all investment in clean energy and electric vehicles; and of course fossil fuel bailouts and funding in place of grants and investments to fight the climate crisis.

The list goes on and on. Click here to demand Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase reject Trump’s Project 2025 and Fossil fuel fascism now.

But don’t take my word for it – Remember JP Morgan Chase? They’re the #1 investor in fossil fuels that are killing the planet, as per the 2024 Banking on Climate Chaos report. And their CEO, Jamie Dimon, has made it clear he’s fine with the fascist Project 2025 agenda. At the Davos conference this year, he told CNBC to “be honest…[Trump] was kind of right about NATO, kind of right on immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Trade. Tax reform worked. He was right about some of China.”

First of all, lets not ignore the fact that every word of Dimon’s little speech is a lie. There was nothing kind of right about abandoning NATO allies, or putting kids in cages at the border. Trump presided over the biggest economic crash since the Great Depression (mostly due to COVID), his tax cuts have exploded the deficit and benefited only millionaires and billionaires. And that’s not even getting into whatever Dimon thinks Trump did “right” on trade or China (The correct answer is “nothing.” Trump did nothing right on trade or China).

Some folks think Dimon and other Wall Street bankers’ re-embrace of Trump just another case of Wall Street Banks trading short term gain for long term problems – like investing in fossil fuels for a profit, even though climate change could kill us all in 50-75 years.

But we’re an anti-fascist climate group. We see Trump, fossil fuels, and the money and power that binds them together. We’ve seen it before, and been right all along. So one more time for the new folks and everyone in the back:

Wall street banks fund fossil fuels. Fossil fuels power fascists – Trump here, Putin in Russia, and other examples all over the world. And the goal of fascism isn’t to make better profits or a higher return on investment -it’s to control people.

By aligning themselves with Trump’s Project 2025, these Wall Street banks are complicit in endorsing an agenda that stands in stark contrast to the principles of human rights and ethical business practices. But just like Trump has to answer to voters, the banks have to answer to customers and investors. And if you’ve got a credit card or a bank account – that includes you. That’s why we always say “divestment is direct action.” And that’s why it’s not too late to send these bankers a strong message and convince them to back away from project 2025.

After the January 6 2021 insurrection, a lot of Wall Street banks and investors disavowed Trump. Time away from the spotlight has convinced them it’s safe to invest in fossil fueled fascism again. But if enough of us speak out, spread the word and demand change, they’ll scurry away once more. Click here to sign and send a message demanding Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase permanently end all financial support for the Heritage Foundation and reject Trump’s Project 2025 now.