Good news for people who like bad news for coal and fossil fuels: For the first time, New England’s last coal-fired power plant without a shutdown date — the one in Bow, NH that we’ve told you about before — has failed to win funding at a “forward capacity auction” for 2026-27. This is a major step toward shutting down the last coal-fired power plant in New England.
Now is the time to increase our pressure on Granite Shore Power to shutdown this coal plant! Click here to send a message to the Coal plant’s owners and investors telling them it’s time to retire coal in New England!
The coal plant’s owners, Granite Shore Power and their parent company Atlas Holdings, now have a chance to retire the plant by filing a notice with ISO-NE before April 6. This is called a “retirement de-list bid” where the power plant would apply to get funding to shut down and conclude their long, dirty history of supplying electricity to New England ratepayers, whether we want it or not.
Along with our. friends at No Coal No Gas, we’re sending emails to Granite Shore Power CEO Jim Andrews, as well as Andrew M. Bursky, Timothy J. Fazio, and Philip E. Schuch—the three principal investors behind Atlas Holdings. Atlas is the private equity firm that owns Granite Shore Power, who in turn owns the power plant.
Click here for talking points from our friends at the No Coal No Gas campaign, and when you’re ready click here to send an email demanding that they file to retire the plant, and shut down coal in New England for good!