We were going to write you an email that Sen Joe Manchin (coal-fired-asshole, WV) was once again mucking up President Biden’s plan’s for a build back better climate bill by demanding Biden approve massive new fossil fuel projects like the MVP, drilling in the Gulf and Alaska, and more in exchange for paltry investments in renewable energy and clean tech.
And then, well, this happened:

So, there you have it, again. Manchin has blown up talks with President Biden and congressional leadership because despite being offered everything he said he wanted — none of which our climate and communities could afford — he still wont vote for any legislation that addresses the climate crisis.
At this point, it’s hard to even be shocked or outraged anymore. Democrats were elected on the most pro-climate platform in American history. To a person, every elected leader we’ve got says the climate crisis is an “existential threat” demanding immediate action. But it’s been 2 years, and Joe Manchin is still calling all the shots, dictating the worst possible policy outcomes to Pelosi, Schumer and Biden.
If there’s a silver lining, it’s that Congressional leadership and President Biden now have nothing to gain by negotiating with or ceding power to Joe Manchin. And it’s not too late, and none too early, for them to get serious and act at the speed and scale that the crisis demands. What Sen Sheldon Whitehouse last night called “executive Beast Mode” on twitter.
That includes several of our favorite and recommended policies:
- Ending the Mountain Valley Pipeline for good.
- Blocking other NEW fossil fuel, and especially fossil gas export projects.
- Ending fossil fuel extraction on public lands and waters now.
- Declaring a climate emergency to unlock further powers under the Defense Production Act.
- Directing the DOJ to prosecute climate crimes, and not children suing for the right to a safe livable climate.
- And, of course, kicking Joe Manchin out of his chair as head of the Senate Energy Committee.
If you agree – if you’re fed up with this nonsense and want Congressional Climate leaders to start acting on climate, and to hell with Joe Manchin and his obstruction, take any or all of the actions above, and then make a call:
You can reach Sen Schumer, who has the power to negotiate (or not) with Joe Manchin, and who can take away his committee chair anytime he chooses at 866-581-3558: Tell Schumer’s staff “We told you Joe Manchin was a liar and a cheat. Stop playing footsie with climate deniers already and play hardball. Put a reconciliation bill that ends the era of fossil fuels on the floor like you promised months ago. If Manchin won’t vote for it, kick him off the Senate Energy Committee.”
If you’re really fed up, we also encourage you to make a plan and join us at the Congressional Baseball game on July 28 for the “Now or Never” protest that intends to shut down Congress’ play time unless they pass climate legislation this month. We’ll have more on this action and how to get involved next week.
Support your party or declare yourself a Republican! You block every effort the Democrats put on the table to pad your pockets! Don’t give me any BS that your action serves anyone but yourself!!!!!
Remove Manchin from any positions of power. He’s the reason we’re not able to move with Biden’s plans to improve our lives and our climate! He’s owned by the coal industry.
Demote that dirty rotten Manchin immediately!‼️ He serves only his own selfish greedy self interest and not the needs of the PEOPLE ‼️
Time go follow the money … we voted these lying crooks in. Let’s get them the hell out! All they are doing is lining their own pockets.
Tell Manchin to reconsider his position on the environment. We’re on borrowed time!
Climate action needs to be broad sweeping and immediate.
Manchin is only interested in protecting his large money donors. He spins like most politicians and is not interested in protecting the people.
Leader Schumer should demote Manchin, as Manchin has no interest in helping the Democrats nor the people. Demote him NOW
All Manchin is doing is wasting your time so you cannot get something done. Kick him off the energy committee and ignore him.
As the United States and the World move towards renewable energy it is time that Sen. Manchin really show concern and care for his constituents. We won’t need coal as much but the residents of West Virginia need real leadership. One very important action that their Senator can take is begin to invest in new vocational training programs and the bringing of “future” jobs to his state so the people of West Virginia can better compete in the 21st century job market. Learning the necessary skills to survive in the 21st century is more important than feeding false hopes of by-gone jobs.
He does not care aboout the core values that make America great. Please do all you can to make him see sense.
Seldom in life (75yrs) have I encountered a more despicable person, why do you want to destroy the PLANET , plus womens freedom. I just dont understand. Could it be just MONEY. What a RAT
Demote him.
Joe Manchen is looking after West Virginia coal interests period. He’s not looking after the best interests of the USA. He has got the power of the gods and is going to play it to his, and only his, best interests!
So, there you have it, again. Manchin has blown up talks with President Biden and congressional leadership because despite being offered everything he said he wanted — none of which our climate and communities could afford — he still wont vote for any legislation that addresses the climate crisis.
At this point, it’s hard to even be shocked or outraged anymore. Democrats were elected on the most pro-climate platform in American history. To a person, every elected leader we’ve got says the climate crisis is an “existential threat” demanding immediate action. But it’s been 2 years, and Joe Manchin is still calling all the shots, dictating the worst possible policy outcomes to Pelosi, Schumer and Biden.
Climate is too important not to use every option for my grandchildren.
I seem to remember this gentleman by the name of Dwight Eisenhower. I remember how high taxes on the rich were under his administrations, and how those rates of taxation did NOT harm the economy whatsoever but actually helped facilitate the greatest expansion of the middle class in US history. Please remind me – was this Eisenhower guy America’s Last Marxist Dictator, who surely must have seized power in a bloody Russia-backed coup, or was he a beloved two-term war-hero REPUBLICAN President who, despite his party affiliation, was far less committed to protecting the obscene wealth of America’s oligarchs than damned near every 21st century so-called “Democrat”? WHAT A GREAT “DEMOCRACY”, WHERE WE ARE “FREE” TO “CHOOSE” BETWEEN “DEMOCRATS” WHO ARE COMMITTED TO THE CONTINUING UPWARD REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, AND REPUBLICANS.
This is the MAIN reason why I have always criticized the Dems. . . No Back Bone (NBB).
Put your big boy pants and demote this SOB from the FAKE FALSE IMPORTANCE
Declare a climate emergency
Boot Manchin out of the party! He should never benefit from the financial support or the political organization of the Democratic Party ever again. There is no way one man should hold sway over an entire nation. What’s the point of having a party in the first place?
The American people are SO SICK of all the lies and back scheming! Here’s a revelation, you work FOR us! Start acting like it and put these self serving pieces of garbage out on the streets where they belong. 😡
Man hon, is a Republican straight out. A control person bidding for Mconnell always.Remove this trader.
The man is no good — he’s got to go…!
Trump is a traitor and so is Manchin!
He is a Republican posed as a Democrat!
Take him off any committee.
Demote Manchin. What’s wrong with him ?
Manchin needs to go now.
This may be our last chance to act on the escalating environmental crisis.
Enough is enough with Senator mansion in my heart I believe he is a Republican in a democratic suit he must be demoted and we have to vote him out of office and find somebody else that’s more democratic because it’s ridiculous between him and cinema riches stopping President Biden from getting things done