We are gathering this weekend to shut down the coal plant in Bow, NH. Join us for trainings, community building, and direct action – There are roles for everyone!
On Sunday, October 3rd, we will gather at the coal plant in Bow for a family-friendly rally to call for a shut down of the coal plant. This is the last remaining coal fired power plant in New England without a shut down date. The plant is only kept in operation because New England ratepayers (us) are forced to subsidize it through “forward capacity payments.” For years we’ve written, called, protested and spoken out that we don’t need the coal plant anymore, and want to stop paying for it so New England can move to 100% clean energy, together.
But our years of action and protest have been ignored by local, regional, and national regulators. So we come together again this weekend to do what must be done and SHUT IT DOWN!
Click here to RSVP and learn more (or here to RSVP on Facebook)
Can’t make it this weekend? Chip in here to support No Coal No Gas New England.
Join us for music, speakers, and community on Sunday! It is time to shut down the coal plant, and build a better future. The rally will end with a family-friendly kayak/canoe paddle down the river to protest- if you’d like to participate on the river, please bring a boat! Please park along the baseball field side of the street.
COVID SAFETY: We ask that everyone please wear a mask at the rally and social distance where possible. Please get a negative covid test before attending.
This rally is part of a 3-day-weekend Mass Action, click here to learn more.