Next month, representatives from every country in the world will meet to decide how to implement the Paris Agreement at the COP24 UN climate talks. Donald Trump is the only world leader to have rejected the agreement, and the science of Climate Change.
The most recent report from UN Scientists clearly shows that we have only 12 years to achieve a massive transformation in our entire energy economy. The People’s Demands for Climate Justice is one such solution. And I need your help to make sure it’s seen and read by all the delegates before millions of people around the world experience climate devastation.
Our best chance is to demonstrate a groundswell of support for the People’s Demands for Climate Justice — a joint global call to government delegates demanding that this year’s climate talks actually lead to meaningful, just climate solutions. Will you sign on with thousands of people from around the world right now?
These demands have been shaped by people’s movements from around the world that are directly experiencing climate change’s impacts. Early supporters include the Indigenous Environmental Network and Plataforma Boliviana frente al Cambio Climatico.
We need to show that people everywhere, including in the U.S., widely echo and support these demands.
Please add your name now to demonstrate your support — and to ensure that the Paris Agreement isn’t weakened by Trump and his fossil-fuel cronies.
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