Last chance to #SaveSCOTUS and stop Kavanaugh

Your remember Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s anti-environment, anti-worker, climate-denying, women’s-rights-decrying nominee to the Supreme Court? Yeah, he’s been hard ot forget lately – especially since he was accused of sexual assault.

But here’s the thing: Donald Trump and his allies in Congress – they want you to forget all about Kavanaugh and his crimes (both alleged and perfectly well documented). Trump & co. are running the same play they always do when one of their own are accused of sexual assault or violence against women: they deny it, attack the accuser, and accuse anyone who says different of being part of a conspiracy.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is scheduled to testify and share her story of how Kavanaugh assaulted her on Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. But late last night ANOTHER accusation surfaced, this time from Kavanaugh’s time in college. And Michael Avenati – the same lawyer representing Stormy Daniels, the porn-star who had an affair with President Trump – says he is representing a THIRD woman.

At 1 p.m. today thousands of our neighbors will walk out of work and school as part of a national moment of solidarity to show support for Dr. Blasey Ford and ALL survivors of sexual assault. You can join us by wearing black and stopping what you are doing — leave your post at your home, your office, your classroom, wherever you are — You can also call (202) 224-3121 (or 866-426-2631 and our friends at SEIU will connect you to your Senators toll free – thanks friends!) so you can tell your Senators to vote NO on Kavanaugh.

Not sure what to say? Start here (and feel free to read the links below for lots more context and ideas):

You’ll be connected to the congressional switchboard when you call (or to a pre-recorded message from SEIU if you use the toll free line). Tell them the name of your Senator or which state you live in (or enter your zip code when prompted). They’ll patch you through to one of your two Senators and you’ll probably get a receptionist or a voicemail. You can say something like:

“Brett Kavanaugh is a radical, anti-environment justice who’s already said that the President is above the law, Roe v Wade should be overturned, and corporations have the right to pollute our water and destroy our climate. On top of all that, he’s now been accused of sexual assault by more than one woman.  You MUST stop any vote from happening and Kavanaugh must withdraw himself from consideration. Do I have your promise that you’ll oppose this dangerous nomination?”

Don’t forget to call back and tell your other Senator (we all have 2) the same thing!

Right now, the Senate Judiciary Committee is moving forward with a sham hearing not meant to get to the truth about Brett Kavanaugh. It’s about rushing Trump’s pet judge onto the highest court in the land before they reconvene on October 1. And that’s not a coincidence: If confirmed, one of Kavanaugh’s first decisions could be to rule that Trump is above the law, and shut down the Mueller investigation subpoena. We can’t let this happen. Join the walkout today at 1pm and then call (202) 224-3121 (or toll free 866-426-2631) and tell your Senators not to allow Kavanaugh’s nomination to have a hearing or a vote.

Trump has already said that the accusations against Kavanaugh are “no different than the Russian witch hunt…”.And it’s not outlandish to think Kavanaugh will protect the president that appointed him to a lifetime term on the Supreme Court. After all, Kavanaugh has already said he thinks the SCOTUS ruling that forced Richard Nixon to hand over the Watergate tapes was a “mistake.” He’s also said that sitting President’s can’t or shouldn’t be investigated (despite the fact that he investigated President Clinton when he was desperate to make a name for himself). And Kavanaugh’s time working for George W Bush shows that he believes a President can pick and choose which parts of the law to enforce, based on his own interpretation of the constitution.

But there’s good news. The vote on Kavanaugh was always going to be close, and he’s already the least popular Supreme Court Nominee in recent history Statements this week indicate that some Republicans may be wavering. Now is the time to speak out: Call (202) 224-3121 (or toll free 866-426-2631) and tell your Senators not to allow Kavanaugh’s nomination to have a hearing or a vote.