You probably remember, less than a month ago, when all but 16 hard-line Dream Heroes in the Senate (not-coincidentally some of our most reliable votes on climate change) voted to re-open the government. They did so based on a promise from Mitch McConell and Donald Trump allow a vote to protect Dreamers before February 8.
This week, the bill for that bad bet comes due. Tomorrow is the 8th and no vote on the Dream act has been scheduled. The Government runs out of money, again, this Friday and we’ve made no progress.
Today hundreds of young Dreamers from across the country have traveled to D.C. to demand that Congress pass a clean Dream Act. Click here to check out the live feed of their actions on capitol hill, and then call 478-488-8059 so United We Dream can patch you through to Congress. Tell them to pass a CLEAN Dream Act and protect immigrant youth without harming their families.
As we explained last time, this Dream Act vote is a critical litmus test for climate change.
It’s also clear that we can’t trust most of the “deals” that have been offered by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell in recent days. McConell has already broken his promise by not scheduling an up or down vote on immigration, and today’s proposed two year spending plan does nothing to protect Dreamers — giving us us even more reason to distrust him.
Trump’s plan is even worse. He’s actively calling for a government shut down unless Congress gives him a racist immigration plan that a Washington Post analysis confirms will mostly have the effect of making America Whiter, Older, and more poor.6 It’s no surprise that President “shit-hole” isn’t a reliable negotiating partner. But that’s why we need Republicans and Democrats in Congress who claim to agree on immigration (just like many of them claim to agree on the need for climate action) to do their job and VOTE on the issue.
Let your Senators know you demand that Mitch McConell be held to his promise, and that Congress vote on a clean dream act – not a compromise that includes racist policies like an end to family reunification or a border wall – NOW. Call 478-488-8059 right now and tell them to pass a CLEAN Dream Act and protect immigrant youth without harming families.
Images from United we Dream